Bet-Hesda will be a place of full restoration, of mercy and grace, an oasis of healing and deliverance, a place of gathering and communion,
a place where God's presence will be - His Glory!
The Vision
Oasis of Healing
Construction Update
Extended Vision
In 2020, I committed to the Lord to partner with Him full-time in His Kingdom. It was quite a bumpy ride for me to get out of the world system and get “Egypt” out of me. The next 14 years were a wilderness period, accompanied by many tears, trials, and persecution. I reached a similar stage to that of Elijah when he cried out in the wilderness: "I have had enough, Lord! Take my life! I am no better than my ancestors” (1 Kings 19:4).
This was my own "Marah" period, during which I wrote many prayers of supplication..
Around 2008, a prophecy was spoken over me that I would be involved in healing ministry. It was only in 2014 that the Lord released me and, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, my training started in March 2014. Although I did not fully understand what such a ministry would entail, I applied the basic healing principles the Holy Ghost taught me. My mother received healing from fibromyalgia, an incurable disease according to the medical profession. After this, I witnessed many other miracles of healing, including a young woman healed from cystic fibrosis, also an “incurable” disease. I saw how homosexual people’s faces changed and how they returned to their normal identities.
My journey included my own move through the Red Sea, where I, like Israel, almost died from anxiety. But I made it through by grace and by acknowledging my authority in Christ, when I, too, commanded the waters to open up, after which I saw my enemies drown in the Red Sea.
Israel met Yehovah Rapha, their Healer, at Marah, where He healed the bitter water. After they had left Marah the Lord led them to camp at Elim, a place with twelve wells of water and seventy date palms. This year (2023), the Lord brought me to my own Elim, where I met Him as both Yehovah Jireh and as my Provider. Just like Israel, I had to pass through the wilderness, cross the Jordan River, and deal with all my enemies in the promised land, where I have now found my dominion rest.
During my journey through the wilderness to the promised land since 2017, the Lord gave me a vision of a building. I saw the building on the piece of land my wife and I are currently owning. The Lord showed me this is where I would minister to many people. Looking back, I realize that the past 10 years were training, learning to walk by faith, and trusting in God for everything.
Recently I became very aware of the "Pool of Bethesda", as described in the Bible where a crippled man received healing after 38 years. At the same time, God drew my attention to the building he had shown me as a place of healing. When I shared this with the rest of the people in the ministry it was met by an overwhelming response of confirmation. More confirmation came that very same week through a teaching Rick Renner had released on YouTube regarding this man at the pool of Bethesda, as well as through people who confirmed that God had already prepared them to participate in and contribute to this vision.
From Marah to Elim – our Bet-Hesda - the "house of grace", where healing will take place, surrounded by palm trees - a symbol of overcoming, victory, peace, and eternal life. We can cry out - "Hosanna!"
The palm tree also symbolizes abundance, eternal life, fertility, good luck, growth, longevity, righteousness, victory, and wisdom.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord to deliver us!
On 12 May 2023, the Lord delivered yet another portion of this vision through one of our brothers. He shared the following with me:
"I woke up this morning at 4 am, planning to work on a project that I was busy with, but I fell asleep again. I had a dream that was so real, it felt as if I was awake. It was only when I woke up that I realised it was a vision from God. He told me to replace the oasis with a specific kind of tree. I asked God to show me the tree, since I am not acquainted with different species of trees. He showed me the Baobab. I looked up the spiritual meaning of a Baobab tree, which is ‘Father of many seeds’.”
These words deeply spoke to my inner-most being, and I knew that the Lord indeed wants to do something incredible. Since my involvement in healing ministry, I have constantly been praying that His Glory would come and fill us and enable us to demonstrate the power of the kingdom through divine healing.
The Deeper Meaning
Discovering the deeper spiritual meaning of the Baobab Tree brought a deeper understanding of the vision Adonai gave us. Glory to God!
The Baobab is called the “tree of life” because it stores life-saving water in its trunk and branches. This is of immense value, as the tree grows in arid regions.
The Baobab signals a time of returning to wholeness, where we can rest, rejuvenate, and celebrate. We can now begin to sense our "oneness" with all of life.
We are called to trust in the Lord and be like a tree planted by the waterside.
“He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by a stream. He won't fear when the heat comes, and his leaves will be green. In a year of drought he won't be concerned, nor will he stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8 ISV
Such trust, of course, is grounded in another tree - Calvary's Tree. The roots of this tree are planted on the violent conveyor belt of human history, but its branches reach all the way to the New Jerusalem.
It is a tree, according to John in Revelation, that grows beside the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, and it flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing fruit each month, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations . Revelation 22:1-2
So, this tree of Jeremiah's vision which is planted by water and which sends out its roots by the stream does not stoop establishing itself until all the nations, all of creation, are HEALED. This is its core business, and that healing takes place by the very gift of the tree itself.
Another spiritual use of the Baobab Tree is to eradicate evil from the community.
It is believed that kings and elders would hold meetings under the Baobab tree, with the belief that the tree's spirits would guide them in decision-making. In modern times, the Baobab tree is commonly used as a venue for community meetings or even as a classroom.
Thanks to its high level of micronutrients, the Baobab fruit is also recognised for its fertility benefits. Several studies have confirmed that what you eat can affect your chances of getting pregnant.
This is profound because the Lord told us that revival is coming in the womb of women. He revealed that:
"Satan is after the babies, but I have the babies said the Lord. Blessed is he who have not yet seen the babies but believes! Put on the shoes of the Gospel and be willing to travel far to announce this message!"
Finally, Isaiah announced:
“The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing... They shall see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God.” Isaiah 35:1-2 ESV
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